Informing Medical Directors of ICP NPs

Informing Medical Directors of ICP NPs

The AA Team explains the best way to talk to your Medical Director about an ICP Nurse Practitioner joining your team.
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Informing Medical Directors of ICP NPs

Ashley Kirk

Hey, I’m Ashley Kirk

Ayasha Thomason

And I’m Ayasha Thomason.

Ashley Kirk

And today we’re going to talk about how to approach your medical director about an ICP nurse practitioner entering your building. A lot of times our administrators and our director of nursing and our corporate teams are nervous to talk to their medical director about this. They feel like they’re going step on their medical director’s toes, and it’s not the case at all. What we’re here to do is to compliment what he’s already doing.

Ayasha Thomason

Yes, we do compliment what they do. So your usual medical director probably makes rounds about once a week if they’re a good medical director and they’re very involved, which most usually are. So they’re providing regulatory visits, they’re doing their initial skilled visits, they’re doing all the things that a medical director is supposed to do. So the additional layer of protection is the ICP nurse practitioner being there daily. So we’re there every day to lay eyes on subtle changes that go on with these residents, whether it’s acute or chronic conditions that we’re managing. And we can communicate those changes to the medical director so that he knows what’s going on with his residence.

Ashley Kirk

So having a facility led nurse practitioner in your building will really help you guys stay ahead of all the guidelines and regulations that you’re trying to meet and exceed as far as CMS regulations.

Ayasha Thomason

In addition to that, in light of COVID it’s nice to have a nurse practitioner there daily to be able to pick up on those subtle changes. These residents with COVID-⁠19 tend to crash pretty quickly, and it’s nice to have somebody there daily to be screening for symptoms, managing those, staying on top of them. Because your medical director is only going to be there once a week, she’s there daily.

Ashley Kirk

We just spend a whole lot more time with the residents. Because we’re able to. The medical directors are not able to do that. And so we’re there to fill in that gap.

Ayasha Thomason

Next week, we’ll address frequently asked questions regarding how to have this discussion with your medical director.

Ashley Kirk

We want to kind of give you some ideas of some of the questions that the doctors do have when you present that ICP nurse practitioner is coming in your building.

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