Benefits of Home Health

Benefits of Home Health

Ayasha and Heather discuss the benefits of Home Health and how we help both Home Health Care companies and patients alike.
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Benefits of Home Health

Ayasha Thomason

I’m Ayasha Thomason.

Heather Stallings

And I’m Heather Stallings.

Ayasha Thomason

And today we’re going to talk about how ICP does home health visits.

Heather Stallings

So, Ayasha, do you want to talk about some of the benefits of home health companies?

Ayasha Thomason

Sure. The benefit of having ICP versus just, you know, some primary care person that they’re going to try to get into is that we already do this for a living. This is what our nurse practitioners already do. They just happen to do it in a skilled nursing facility. This is basically the same kind of care that we provide but in a person’s home. And we would still coordinate the care with the therapy team and still communicate with them on a daily basis as needed. 

Heather Stallings

Is it hard sometimes to get a provider or are there certain insurances to make it where they would ask, like us? Because typically they’re using somebody else. And then like, I’ve gotten to so what do we offer for these? 

Ayasha Thomason

Usually when they call us, it’s because the patient does not have a PCP that they can see in a timely amount of time.

Heather Stallings

Okay. And they need orders essentially, right. To be able to do their services. Okay. That’s one thing that we offer. And then otherwise is it just to be another option.

Ayasha Thomason

The thing is, and the reason why we’re needed so bad is because they fall under the PDGM model, which is very similar to our PDPM that we do in nursing facilities, which is also like a case mix, just like you’re familiar with. But the PDGM relies heavily on clinical characteristics and clinical outcomes. You can’t get those unless you’re being seen by a primary care provider, either a physician or a nurse practitioner. So these people who were at home couldn’t really qualify for home health care or get therapy services because they had to see a primary care provider within a certain period of time of them being discharged from the hospital to qualify. So they didn’t have that piece of it. And that’s where we fit in. We’re completing that link that’s missing for them. They’re going to be offering to do therapy and have nursing staff attend to the patient at home, but they don’t have anybody that’s guiding those orders. 

Heather Stallings

Okay. This is a continuum of care.

Ayasha Thomason

Yeah. And then we can be that person that kind of holds the record. So if we’ve got a cardiology visit or renal visit, we can kind of coordinate that care and kind of oversee everything, I guess. And then they need therapy, we order it and work with them.

Heather Stallings

We essentially become like their become their PCP.

Ayasha Thomason

We can or we can be kind of that interim until they get to the PCP that they want to go to. And some of them, just their own PCPs, they can’t even get in for six months.

Heather Stallings

Right. And so they need to be able to get started so we can come in and take care of that so that they can get started. 


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